Hyderabad. On August 15th, the 77th Independence Day, all the office bearers and members of the executive committee of Seervi Samaj Trust Kamanaghat Almasguda Vadher gathered in the Vadher premises for a grand celebration. The President of the society, Hansaram Agalecha, Secretary Hiralal Saincha, along with the cooperation of the executive committee members, hoisted the flag and sang the national anthem.
Following this, sweets and laddoos were distributed, and a poem was recited by Rajaram Sepata for the welfare of the society. Subsequently, Secretary Hiralal Saincha extended his gratitude to all the members of the society, brothers, mothers, and sisters, with chants of “Bharat Mata ki Jai” and “Vande Mataram,” along with slogans of “Jai Jawan Jai Kisan.”
The event concluded with expressions of gratitude.